Blacksmithing ... metal manipulation, form to function. All metal and tools provided. Bring your excitement to learn and experience humanity's important historical skills.

Expect to make

Expect to make

Nails, hooks or other objects while safely practicing techniques of drawing the metal out, turning, twisting, use of punches and more as you become comfortable handling the tools. You will be taking your creations home with you!

Next Class

Next Class

Beg. Blacksmith Class, May 15th & 16th, 3-7pm, REGISTER with Amery Community Education

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Contact AMERY COMMUNITY EDUCATION to sign-up, space is limited due to preventative COVID habits practiced.

Anvil Acres is a small farm in NW Wisconsin where projects and ideas have been “hammered-out” for the past several decades. Students are taught traditional methods and techniques practiced on the farm.

The students efforts have resulted in some very incredible unique creations; The overall sense of accomplishment for the crafts person; And a useful item to take home to use or give as a gift.

Sign-up for a class and experience it for yourself!

LOCATION: 640 Mains Crossing, Amery, WI 54001

1.5 hours northeast of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

7 miles west of Turtle Lake, WI, south of Hwy. 8